Life Coaching with a Psychologist

Coaching can help with what you didn't get in therapy.

Life Coaching with a Psychologist

Coaching can help with what you

didn't get in therapy.

Curious about what I mean?

3 things I learned in coaching that I didn't get from therapy

Hi, I’m Dr. Jill Foreman

I’ve been a licensed psychologist for over 25 years. Along the way, I've learned that life coaching uses a unique approach that isn't taught in graduate school or continuing education programs.

Now I’m also a certified life coach. I’ve combined the best of psychology and coaching to create the most effective method possible to help my clients solve their problems and reach their goals.

In therapy, did you learn to understand your past, but not what to do about it?

Or, did you try it, and feel that it just wasn't for you?

Are you not quite living the life you want?

Are there goals you still haven't met, and you're not sure what to do about it?

Maybe you've wondered if more therapy would help, but it doesn't seem like the answer.

Do you want to focus on change, rather than on your childhood?

There is another way.

As a licensed psychologist and a certified life coach, I can teach you something different.

Therapy is for when you need to tell your story.

Coaching is for when you want to change your story.

Want to know more?

Coaching makes life better.

My 25+ years of experience as a psychologist mean that I can help with all kinds of problems and goals that don’t need therapy.

With a life coach who is also a psychologist, you can make changes that you never thought were possible.

3 things I learned in coaching that I didn't get from therapy