Hi! I’m Jill Foreman, PhD

I’m a licensed psychologist and a certified life coach, and I’ve combined these two specialties to create the most powerful life coaching possible.

Life coaching is not a regulated industry. Many therapists provide coaching without any relevant training or experience.

I've been a client in individual and group coaching programs, earned a life coach certification, and continuously learn new techniques.

I know what it's like to benefit from therapy, but still feel like there must be more.

Have you felt supported and understood in therapy, but also wondered, "is this it?"

Did counseling help you to a point, but leave you without specific tools?

I've had the experience of years of therapy that left me still looking for how change.

I wanted to meet certain goals, but I didn't want more therapy.

Have you ever wondered
"If I've had this much therapy, why do I still have this problem?"

You don't want to keep talking about the problem...

...but you need to know what to do differently.

Coaching was my answer.

Life coaching taught me specific systems, tools and strategies that I didn't get in therapy.

It helped me fine tune my results from working with a therapist, and zone in on the changes I still wanted to make.

And I realized I wanted to do this for others.

Life Coaching with a Psychologist

As a psychotherapist for over 25 years, I’ve spent lots of time on both sides of the couch. Therapy works, but it's not for everyone, and some people are left wanting more. For me, coaching was the missing piece.

I’ve been helping people since the 1990s, but I realized that I could serve my clients even more by adding the approach of life coaching to my training as a psychologist.

I created the most high quality coaching available by blending all of my experience as a psychologist and a coach with cognitive tools, neuroscience, education, mindfulness, and self-compassion.

My background:

  • BA, University of Texas at Austin, Plan II honors program

  • MEd, University of Houston, Counseling

  • PhD, University of Houston, Counseling Psychology

  • Licensed Psychologist in the state of Texas

Licensure requirements in Texas include a doctoral degree in psychology, formal supervised pre- and post-doctoral internships, and the passage of written and oral exams. Maintaining this license requires ongoing continuing education as well as maintaining ethical and professional standards.

  • Certified Life Coach, The Life Coach School

Certification includes coursework, practicum, and passing multiple live coaching evaluations and a written exam. Affiliation provides ongoing coaching and education.

A few tidbits about me: I’m married, have one son in college, and live in Austin, TX. I love to travel, scuba dive, read, dance, practice yoga, hike, cook, and enjoy fine food and wine

I love coaching people who have had psychotherapy.

You've told your childhood stories. You know what your patterns and issues are. You're aware of what sets you off. You just don't know what to do differently.

I can help you finally makes those changes. And for me, there is nothing more rewarding than watching someone go from feeling stuck and frustrated, to living the life they have always wanted.

3 things I learned in coaching that I didn't get from therapy